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French property in the Roannais.

Ancient farmhouses, barns, out-buildings, cottages, etc., are all here for renovation and conversion into stunning, stylish properties – all these, and much much more, are available for your choice and opportunity in the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes region.Hunting Lodge, RoannaisHunting Lodge, RoannaisHunting Lodge, Roannais






There are many traditional 'Character' properties situated in medieval villages, amongst the vineyards of the beautiful wine-growing region of the Côte Roannais, or in the valleys, wooded hills, and mountains of this virtually undiscovered part of France.

Perfectly positioned for Lyon (France's second city), and easy access for the auto routes up to Paris or down to the South of France, this region is at centre stage for reaching many of the other varied and well known regions of France, such as the Auvergne, Burgundy, French Alps, Languedoc Rousillon, and Provence. Just to name a few!

 Summer sunshine or winter ski-ing. It is all on your doorstep here in the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes.

We also have chateaux and large mansion houses available to view, amongst a huge variety of smaller properties which may suit different budgets.Chateau Chassignol - poolChateau Chassignol - for sale

Permanent or second home investment opportunities abound. Along with excellent business possibilities  for gîte, hotel, chambre d'hôte, and other leisure/tourism activities and enterprises.

Purefrancenow can provide a total property service covering property-finding, purchase, renovation and conversion. All project control is covered by our team on the ground in France in order to make it easier, safer, and more cost effective for you. We aim to take the hassle and the 'pain' out of the whole process.

We know the dangers of getting involved with new situations, unknown contractors, foreign legal administration, and people you don't really know abroad, especially when you are far away.

We've done it ourselves, and fully understand the stresses and strains when buying a house abroad. Particularly in France!

Before we do anything on your behalf regarding purchase or any project control for renovation and conversion we make sure we get to know your exact requirements, budgets, and general orientation towards property purchase and possible development.

Just as important for you, we also, however, make sure that you fully understand who we are, what we've done, and what our approach is.

That means arranging a friendly, informal meeting face-to face, probably at our own newly converted property in the Roannais region, so that you can see for yourself what is possible, and get to know us as 'real' people who will work for you, and with you, as an honest and reliable 'team'. 

For more information, explanation, and property opportunities in the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes region, please visit our 'Home Page' and 'Recent Projects' section on this website. Le Cuvage - barn renovation and conversion

Le Cuvage, RoannaisLe Cuvage, Roannais

Le Cuvage Le Cuvage








If you want something like this – all is possible!

Just contact Brian and Lucy by e-mail at: for an informal,no obligations chat! 



Here at we are dedicated to informing people about this wonderful part of France – the Roannais region in the Rhône-Alpes.

La Loire, RoanneThis is a classic, traditional French area which is full of interest, delights, and opportunities.

We endeavour to encourage you to discover it for yourselves! (well, with a little help from us, too!)

The Roannais is rich in pure French conviviality – it is a generous and welcoming place.

It has a wealth of restaurants, including the famous 3 Michelin Star restaurant, La Maison Troisgros, well known all over the world!


Incredible mountain scenery, and 'secret' places. Gastronomic delicacies of all kind. Cote Roannaise wines and beautiful vineyards.Côte Roannaise, Monts de la Madeleine

It is rich and varied with medieval villages, chateaux, ancient Roman Churches,, Monasteries, Abbeys, and a wealth of agricultural and industrial history, particularly that of textiles. There are several specialist museums concerning the regional aspects of the industrial revolution.The village of Ambierle,Côte Roannaise

Leisure and sport activities are almost to many to mention, but they include Ski-ing, Golfing, Canoeing,  horse-riding, cycling, boating, swimming, fishing, hunting, bird-watching, nature trailing, gliding, etc., etc.Lac sapin





Those interested in Art, Sculpture, Architecture, and other creative pursuits will not be disappointed.

There are some excellent art galleries, and shops, along with a variety of local artisans to provide creative sustenance!

All-in-all, the Roannais, and the Côte Roannaise is well worthy of a visit for a week or two at any time of the year, including the winter!Ski-ing at Chalmazel

Ski-ing at Chalmazel and Loges de Garde is great fun for families and young children, and friends – even for serious skiers, and they are only 40 minutes drive away!More skiers at Chalmazel





There's also some very good property buying opportunities in the region, whether for full renovation  of character farmhouses or barns, etc., or for more developed and completed buildings.


This region, near the developing township of Roanne, and only an hour from Lyon, has exceptional property investment potential over the next 5 to 10 years.Roanne

New auto-routes with links to Paris, Lyon, and the south of France all combine to stimulate the desirability of the Roannais region. Not only that, but the TGV high-speed railway is also likely to be routed through Roanne in the near future, which will create massive business and property opportunities throughout the whole region.




Now is certainly the time to look, and at least consider, what this superb region has to offer! Roanne port

If you want more information and help with locating property opportunities in the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes  region we, at Purefrancenow, are able to assist in all aspects of property searching, purchase, and renovation, if required.Roanne on the River Loire

We have over 12 years experience of buying, developing and renovating property in the Roannais region.




This knowledge and expertise is invaluable, along with our reliable French contacts, artisans, and advisers on the ground.

Please have a read through the 'Who we are',  'What we do', and 'Recent projects' sections on this website.

There's obviously no commitment, and no initial costs. Just to talk to us about your possible requirements, whether property purchase or rental, and we will assist and advise where we can.

Our approach is informal, friendly, honest, and reliable, and our property search and recommendation service is entirely free.

So, just try us!







The Roannais in autumn must certainly be one of my favourite times to experience the splendour of the valleys, mountains, forests, and waters of this superb region in France.Autumn at la Loge

Of course, each season has its own individual character and beauty, but the vibrant, warm, rich colours of trees, hedgerows, and harvested fields in the autumn is a magical time.

Low, warm sunlight and fresh blue skies with the honest, natural aroma of damp soil and grass after a frosty morning refreshes my soul.

Symbolic of change and the essence of  decaying summer, autumn is, however, a bountiful time.


This is certainly the case in France, with the traditional wine harvest, farmers storing the balance of late crops and feed for their animals in readiness for winter, and the myriad movement of birds on the lakes and rivers, and swirling in the skies around.Autumn Lakeside

The hunters' season of duck hunting continues, and they also wait in calm, but eager anticipation of deer and wild boar to enter their domain.

At La Loge, autumn's mood is warm and welcoming.

Once again I visited this hunter's kingdom with my family during October at the invitation of our good friend, Michel ( I never hesitate to accept the opportunity!)


Autumn was in full parade here!

We walked along the tracks, beside the vast lakes, their waters still continually disturbed by the movement of large carp, rat, vole, or 'ragondin'. As soon as you leave the base of the lodge and start to wander through the vista of trees and tall grasses you feel your mindset change.Autumn Scene

You feel yourself relaxing.

You become part of this beautiful, natural world, and return to the wild!

Michel is always eager to explain the ways and means of his domain.



I am always eager to listen and learn! His wealth of knowledge about plants and animals is marvellous and intriguing, and its great to have such a wonderful hunter-naturalist guide with you while you amble along the hedgerows at leisure.

He is proud of his world and loves it beyond measure.

The more I visit, the more I realise why this wildlife haven is so special and remarkable. I love it!! 

Cormorants were flying across the lake, although Michel knows they consume far too many fish from his lakes for his liking ( 5 times more in a day, for example, than a heron!)

Large, plump swans, too, were swooping low over the water, before they settled to a steady paddling.

Beautiful as these birds are, however, they tend to disturb the many varieties of breeding and visiting colonies of ducks which provide the targets for the hunters shooting season.La Loge

As always, the whole setting and views across the waters are magnificent, and we had another exceptionally enjoyable day.

My son, Ellis, simply adores the excitement and fun of this natural world.

It is pure schoolboy adventure, mystery, charm, magic, fear, unknown, delight, and wonder! Given half a chance he would disappear like one of the 'lost boys' in Peter Pan's 'never,never land'.Ellis in thoughtful mood!

(Come to think of it Michel could make quite a good French pantomime version of Captain Hook, hunting the ever-ticking crocodile!)

The birds, animals, insects, trees, varieties of flora and fauna, and the hunters' rough-made walkways over ditches and streams, and their laddered high seats in great leafy trees, to watch for their prey – all this is an immense paradise for Ellis.


My wife, Lucy, and her mother, Juliane, also came along this time, and delighted in the whole vastness of the place, particularly in this autumn season when a new side of its personality was revealed.

Lucy and Juliane

We all, as usual, had a great walk-about, and after awhile Michel suggested that it would be good to visit  a bird sanctuary just a short drive up the road.

So, we climbed into his hunter's truck and headed out to get another perspective on this amazing part of the Roannais, called Forez.

The bird sanctuary was called 'The Domain of Biterns'

It was a large water bird reserve based around a large lake and central island. All developed, and created by the Federation of Hunters in the  Departement of La Loire. Very ecologically friendly with a 'learning' edge. Freely open for all to visit.


A beautifully created place, and demonstrably showing that hunters are also not destoyers of life, but actually lovers of it! A sensitive subject for many, I know, but Michel and his friends enjoy the sport, but  carefully manage the habitat and the countryside around, protecting it now and for future generations. In their own traditional way they virtually look after, and tender, a large, localised  eco-system. They hunt and eat what the kill. They don't do it on a grand scale –  they are countrymen, and they love their country! It is a rendezvous for family and friends.

The French are very good at creating nature reserves of all types. This bird reserve was not the biggest or the best, but it was laid out with care and simple country style. There were pathways and hides to view the hundreds of different birds flying, paddling, and diving around.

All sorts of plant and tree species had been planted along the walkways with their names and descriptions clearly to be read. The whole environment was a little educational treat.

We didn't have time to go round the whole reserve and visit some of the higher hides with better views of the island and lake, but we shall return. I certainly know Ellis wants to!