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French Property News and ‘Le Cuvage’ in the Rhône-Alpes

We are here again with the December issue of French Property News in the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes – the 4th chapter of the ‘Le Cuvage Story’. There will be more as we move into 2009!

That aside for the moment, French Property News has provided some further feedback on the state of the French property market in light of the ‘credit crunch’.

“French property survives credit crunch: FNAIM says prices remained stable in 2008” – The biggest association of French estate agents, FNAIM, has declared that property prices will likely turn in a stable result for the full year 2008. In its third-quarter report, the association claimed that resale property turned in strong results in the first quarter, but flat sales in the third quarter meant that the market was likely to end the year with a minute rise of 0.1%.

Property in France is still in high demand despite the current financial climate. the head of Knight Frank’s French desk, paul Humphreys, said: “We are currently experiencing a very strong demand for French.” Some 80% of UK buyers are still eager to purchase, he explained, though at a reduced price, and vendors will benefit from the current demand if they price their property rationally.

Meanwhile, France remains in the top 10 ‘hot spot’ destinations fro UK buyers. And with Spain’s property market in turmoil, 2009 may well be the year that France takes the top spot. Simon Conn, sales and marketing director at Conti Finance, comments on France’s position in the tables: “It’s not difficult to see why. Affordable prices, easy access and great weather have all contributed to the attraction of this destination.”

An increasingly attractive investment option, France accounts for 14% of all enquiries due to lower interest rates and property prices, and more recently, tax incentives introduced by Sarkozy to promote home ownership.

Returning to ‘Le Cuvage’, Brian and Lucy Franklin’s story of their discovery of the Roannais in the Rhône-Alpes, and their renovation and conversion of a large, ancient ‘Pressoir’ (wine-making barn), continues in the December issue of French Property News.

“All the world’s a stage” is the lead-in title of Brian Franklin’s article in this month’s issue. Following on from the November issue, where Brian talked about the first steps towards their ‘Grand Design’ project in the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes, and the early stages of destruction and reconstruction. Now, as time moved on, and building work progressed, all their earlier plans and decisions were now coming to fruition.

As building continued during April and May 2005, they could certainly see massive progress: “The internal wall layouts seemed to be growing gradually out of the ground like rough-cut sculptures.”

Follow Brian and Lucy’s intriguing story each month in French Property News.


And visit for a fascinating insight into the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes. You can also find some great property opportunities as well as holidays, special gourmet week-ends, and different event options for businesses, clubs, associations, and private clients.

Joyeuses Fétes in the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes!

Purefrancenow wishes everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!

We thank all our friends, business partners and associates who have enjoyed a very successful year with us in 2008. All your support and help throughout the year has been much appreciated, and we look forward to 2009 with hope and excitement for an especially pleasurable and successful time for us all.

Purefrancenow has had a particularly remarkable 2008, with many new developments and improvements on our dedicated website which promotes the wonderful Roannais region in the Rhône-Alpes.

We have many new business partners joining us on our website to promote their different businesses, whether, restaurant, hotel, food and wine producers, or other services. Purefrancenow has benefited from their support and presence on our special website, and they, in turn, have increased their exposure and their presentation to a wider regional and international audience.

We hope this will increase in 2009, and create more opportunities for business.


● Over 50,000 individual page visits to were recorded during 2008.

● 60% were from the UK and USA, 40% were from France and other parts of Europe.

● 75% of the UK visits were from London, and 75% of the France visits were from Paris and Lyon.

● There are over 500 different ‘active’ page presentations on the Purefrancenow website.

● We have currently around 200 pages of editorial, news, and reviews which appear on our website, and this is growing weekly.

● Our blog, news, and reviews stories regularly feature on the first pages of major search engines like google and yahoo.

● Advertising, promotion, and linked websites in the UK and Europe for create over 2 million potential site visit opportunities.

● Targeted mailing, literature, and promotion to businesses throughout the Roannais region encourages more local and regional interest in the Purefrancenow website.

● In November 2008 Purefrancenow established a ‘Bureau de Liaison’ in the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes, for all regional communications, promotion, and organisation related to all Purefrancenow activities offered via the dedicated website.

● As well as a full-fledged member of the ‘Manchester Chamber of Commerce’ in England, Purefrancenow is also a certified member of ‘Roanne Chambre de Commerce et Industrie’ in France.

● Purefrancenow has the support of specialist creative and technical teams, based in the UK. Our experienced website technicians are based in Manchester, and provide reliable day-to-day services.

● Purefrancenow has also established links with several partner businesses which are available for any aspect of our dedicated event management opportunities, including our ‘gourmet week-ends’, holidays, ‘escape days’, private and business celebration events.

So, Purefrancenow has been exceedingly busy in 2008 developing its website and communication and promotional strategies in order to increase and maximise the impact and effectiveness of all its services and website offerances.

There will be more in 2009!

We are determined that our successful achievements in 2008 will be mirrored by the same level of success and development in 2009.

The Spirit of Roanne in the Roannais By Brian Franklin

Another excellent publication from Stéphane Archambault and his editorial team! In our view, a local creative genius!

His new publication “L’esprit Urbain” focusses on Roanne, the main township in the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes. It is the third of a series of magazines covering the beautiful Roannais region which Stephane has produced.

Exceptionally cleverly designed and conceived with superb, high quality images, which is his trademark. “L’esprit Urbain” hit the streets of Roanne and the Roannais region this December.

You can obtain a copy from local newsagents and contributor businesses for the most economical and good value price of only 5€ – well worth it!

This new dynamic, colourful magazine is full of information, great images, stories of local businesses, gastronomy, chocolate, art, architecture, interior design, Roanne Port and the Roanne-Digoin canal, and much, much more.

It is presented in a visually graphic style that only Stéphane Archambault can accomplish.

He has done Roanne proud with this first publication on this great township in the Roannais, part of the Rhone-Alpes Region.

The many features in “L’esprit Urbain” are beautifully crafted presentations. Purefrancenow highlights a few of them here to whet your appetite.

Roanne, of course, is the central player here and features strongly throughout the magazine – its architecture, sculpture, theatre, and the passion for good food is well reflected.

There is also a visual story of a couple who live on a barge at the Roanne Port which gives Stéphane an opportunity to emphasise the beautiful watery location of Roanne near the River la Loire.

Striking images of the town move through its historical past with stunning buildings and gothic gargoyles.

The Musée de Beaux-Arts et Architecture is extremely well-covered with graphic images of some of its ceramic and sculptural exhibits.

Art and furniture fill the pages with exciting creations and products from some of the best Roannais businesses, and artists.

The delightful Chateau de Champlong is superbly treated, emphasising its reputation for high quality gastronomic cuisine, and their new 12-roomed, 3 star hotel, soon to be opened during March 2009.

Francois Pralus – Maitre Chocolatier is stunningly featured with sublime images of chocolate, and the Madagascan plantations where much of their cocoa beans are grown and harvested. The story of the very successful Pralus family history of creativity, enterprise, and adventure is well-timed to coincide with the opening of their new shop in Paris this year. Cafes and Teas, too, are beautifully photographed for the Thivoyon company, estabalished in 1893, and can almost be ‘sipped’ and ‘tasted’ form the seemingly ‘aromatic’ pages which are imaginatively designed.

Overall, this delightful magazine demonstrates a passion for Roanne and the Roannais which is visually and editorially expounded across its pages, and is well worthy of a place on any lounge coffee table. There will, of course, be more to come. We have not heard, or seen, the last of Stéphane Archambault’s creations and his marvellous ‘Spirit for the Roannais’ !

They may be a rarity to locate now, but his two other previous magazines entitled “L’esprit Roannais” are also worth a ‘look’ if you can find them.

A new publication is due out soon for the medieval hill village of Perreux. I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy.

For more information, news, business and holiday opportunities in the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes visit our dedicated website:

Please note that all the magazine images which appear on our website are copyright of Stéphane Archambault © 2008

Fruits of the Sea at Restaurant de la Loire, Roannais By Lucy Franklin

Something for which France has always been famous, even in a central region such as the Roannais in the Rhône-Alpes, is it’s ‘fruits de mer’.

Purefrancenow has to eagerly report on an extremely convivial event which Brian and Lucy Franklin experienced recently at one of the Roannais’ most reputable local restaurants. Lucy Franklin tells the story:

Brian, myself , and our son, Ellis, were extremely lucky recently to be invited by Brigitte and Alain Rousseau as their guests at their beautiful Restaurant de la Loire for their annual and festive ‘Soirée des Fruits de Mer’.

A very successful team, Brigitte is maitre d’ and Alain chef de cuisine.

Together they have run their restaurant near the banks of the famous river la Loire for some 26 years – continuing Brigitte’s family business which was originally run by their grandparents, and then her own parents. So, a 3-generation family restaurant business and home. In the past, the restaurant’s building was originally a “guinguette” (a place for food and music.)

Having visited Restaurant de la Loire on many occasions, particularly during the summer months ( the garden and tree-shaded terrace is truly beautiful), and have enjoyed their hospitality, Brian and I knew that we were in for a special treat.

Let me just mention here, that having explained to Brigitte that I am not keen on crustaceans of virtually any sort (slight problem, here!), she, however, immediately suggested that Alain would be pleased to prepare an alternative fish dish for Ellis and myself. Typical of Brigitte’s very accommodating attitude and natural friendliness. Although Ellis was quite enthusiastic to give Brian a helping hand in tackling the ‘fruits de mer’ – the shellfish, prawns, and crab, in particular.

We were not the first to arrive at around 7.30pm, though even on a Friday night this is still considered early for the French.

Greeted warmly by Brigitte who is exceptionally convivial and professional, it is refreshing when someone so obviously loves, and takes so much pride and pleasure, in what they do. This is certainly the case at Restaurant de la Loire.

The menu, of course, did not disappoint.

We began with delicate appertisers of hot little quiche tartlettes and mise en bouche of purée garlic potato and fish.

Brian then continued with a rich fish soup, whilst Ellis and I were served specially-prepared foie-gras, beautifully garnished petite asparagus.

The ‘Fruits de Mer’ ceremoniously arrived creatively presented with crushed ice on its elevated silver platter. Always spectacular to the eye, a graphic, colourful melange which always turns heads when brought to the table. Piled high on a bed of ice and seaweed, there were crabs, langoustine, oysters, prawns, bulot (snails of the sea), small Irish shrimps, other smaller shellfish. Side dishes of garlic mayonnaise, and sliced lemon were all that was necessary as accompaniments. (plus all the various dissecting cutlery impliments necessary to break shells, claws, and dig meat out of almost impossible holes, nooks and crannies!). Interesting to me, but also a little bizarre!

Meanwhile, although Ellis was keen and fascinated to test all the weird-looking sea creatures (and did!), our specially and kindly prepared fish course arrived.

Beautifully presented as expected, pan-fried fish on a sumptuous bed of leeks with a delicate cream sauce. Yummy! Perfect for someone who adores fish – even if they dislike anything that comes in a shell!

The tables around us had gradually filled, and the ‘Soiree des Fruits de Mer’ was in full swing, and the two large rooms were abuzz with enthusiastic and delighted chatter, and the sound of cracking claws!

The restaurant was full and everyone was enjoying the relaxed and polished hospitality that comes so easily to Brigitte and Alain.

Although Ellis was the only child in the restaurant, as is the norm here in France, it was perfectly acceptable for him to be part of such an evening, and I’m sure it must be a pleasure to see an 8 year-old enjoying his food, as Ellis most certainly does.

He already appreciates quality cuisine, and is ready to try anything. He cleaned his plate!

Brian cleaned his platter, too, all washed down with chilled maison vin blanc. He then followed with a selection of regional cheeses. I opted for ‘fromage blanc’, and Ellis, of course, dived into vanilla ice cream.

Then a warm, delicate, tarte au pomme was served, drizzled with a caramel sauce, and spoonful of vanilla ice-cream – absolutely gorgeous, and a perfect finale to a very special, and delightful evening.

We certainly appreciated Brigitte and Alain’s welcoming generosity as their guests here at Restaurant de la Loire.

We will, of course, be returning very soon, and Purefrancenow can heartily and highly recommend this excellent restaurant to all those who appreciate exceptionally good quality food, and attentive, efficient service.

Restaurant de la Loire, Purefrancenow Roannais Restaurant Directory.

Visit our dedicated website : for more information, opportunities, and special events in the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes

The Bright Lights of Lyon! By Lucy Franklin

Lyon’s Festival of Light seems to announce the arrival of christmas time in the Rhône-Alpes with typical French flair and panache for the theatrical and demonstrable art of imagery.

Since 1852 the residents of Lyon have celebrated the anniversary of the unveiling of a gold-leafed, bronze statue of the Virgin Mary on the Fourviere hillside overlooking Lyon.

On average, Lyon’s ‘Fête des Lumieres’ event means that Lyon welcomes over 4 million visitors during 4 days of eventful celebrations. Visitors, both local and international, all come to view the 80, or so, different light projects that are staged throughout the city.

Around 8 million small candles are also sold in Greater Lyon, and surrounding towns, to be placed on window ledges at dusk on the 8th December as a ‘thank you’ to the Virgin Mary (or Saint Marie, as she is known in France.)

This delightful tradition was a surprise to me the day before we visited Lyon for the event. When I picked up Ellis from his village school in Perreux, Roannais, all the children came out carrying lit candles that they then placed on the window ledges around the school – so sweet!

Anyway, back to Lyon!

For the very first time we visited Lyon’s Fête des Lumieres this year. We were a little apprehensive, wondering just how busy the Lyon was going to be, and where on earth we would park.

We arrived early afternoon on the Saturday – Day 2 of the event – and were pleased to drive into Lyon without much of a problem, and we eventually ended up parking at ‘Perrache’, Lyon’s main railway station. We walked into Lyon centre.

As dusk fell the light show began, and this grand city was illuminated. We wandered from one venue to another (albeit very slowly due to the vast numbers of people.) The atmosphere was magical!

Whilst at one time the buildings would have been lit up fairly simply, with advancing technology this has now meant that incredibly spectacular , colourful, and animated displays illuminate the great facades of the churches and various historical and important buildings.

Music and commentary is piped through loudspeakers, helping to create the overall atmosphere – from choirs singing outside the cathedral Saint Jean-Baptiste in Vieux-Lyon (Old Lyon), to the fantastic and elaborate children’s story told and animated at the Hotel de Ville.

Of course, the streets are decorated for christmas and this adds to the festive cheer, along with the annual ‘Big Wheel’ that graces La Bellecour, and the traditional Swiss market that fills the square near Perrache station.

Both of which are well worth a visit – though I did leave it to my husband, Brian and son, Ellis, to test the wheel which was 60 metres high with open carriages and no strapping-in! Definitely not for me!

Although we only managed to visit 7, or so, of the special light shows we really felt that we had got a true flavour of the whole event. We had certainly walked far enough, and had been in Lyon for over 7 hours!

Lyon, as a truly international and cosmopolitan city, does France proud with this spectacle. Whilst showing off the beautiful architecture of its many historical buildings in an imaginative and technologically brilliant way, it does not forget the fundamental religious historical basis, and true meaning, of its Fête de Lumiere.

We will certainly be back next year to soak up this pre-Christmas festival, and marvel at the night-time beauty of one of our favourite cities!

Some Interesting Facts!

Following the wishes of the Lyon magistrates in 1643, to mark the end of the plague, the 8th September was chosen as a festival to celebrate the event.

This date was also then chosen to inaugurate the grand bronze statue of the Virgin Mary, placed on the new dome of the steeple that dominates the city.

This statue, measuring 5.6 metres in height, was a commission of the sculptor, Fabisch, who in 1863 was to make the statue of the ‘Immaculate Conception’ at the grotto in Lourdes.

For more information on Lyon, the Rhone-Alpes, and the Roannais visit our dedicated website:

Chateau de Champlong triumph’s again in the Roannais!

This excellent establishment, owned and managed by man and wife team, Olivier and Véronique Boizet, offers high quality, creative cuisine. Chateau de Champlong is beautiful situated in the heart of the Roannais, near the medieval village of Villerest, not far from the main township of Roanne in the Rhône-Alpes region.

Perfectly situated in its own walled grounds with private gardens, Chateau de Champlong is ideal for all sorts of events – wedding receptions, celebration parties, business meetings, special occasions. etc.

As well as perfect luncheons and stunning evening meals, Chateau de Champlong is also progessing with the development and furnishing of 12 sumptuous double bedrooms in the chateau, so that high quality hotel accommodation can be offered to their guests to match the assured and magnificent dining experience. All will be ready for Easter 2009. Purefrancenow will be covering the story, of course!

Their superb ‘Le Cuvage’ building set in the chateau grounds has been specially renovated and developed, and is ideal for business conferences, seminars, and private wedding celebrations. It is an exceptionally large building, fully equipped with all that is necessary to provide a perfect location for business or private events throughout the year, with a capacity of up to 300 people.

Le Cuvage is flexible, and the large space it provides can easily be suitably divided according to specific requirements, and designed for the number of people to be catered for at each event. Wedding Receptions and Special Celebrations

Purefrancenow’s owners, Brian and Lucy Franklin visit Chateau de Champlong regularly, particularly for special occasion’s.

Recently they visited for a 50th birthday treat for Lucy. Chateau de Champlong offer a ‘one hour’ special luncheon (usually lasts 2 hours!) which is superb.

Purefrancenow can heartily recommend this reasonably-priced menu in very comfortable and relaxing surroundings, and served with an easy-going, impeccable style. Olivier Boizet, Patron and Chef de Cuisine, even decorated the edge of Lucy’s dessert plate with ‘Joyeux Anniversaire’. A nice touch!

All in all, Chateau de Champlong is definitely one of Purefrancenow’s ‘ most highly recommended’ places to go when you visit the Roannais region.

Purefrancenow offer special, tailor-made ‘Gourmet Week-ends’ in the Roannais which, of course, include a special evening ‘degustation menu’ at Chateau de Champlong. Purefrancenow Gourmet Week-ends

There are also business event opportunities available, and corporate and club meetings or celebrations can be organised by the Purefrancenow Team, with all their experience, expertise and resources based here in the Roannais.

Roannais Business Events

Anything and everything is possible!

Visit the Purefrancenow Roannais Directory for more information on this reputable restaurant, and chateau event and celebration establishment. (And, ‘soon-to-be’ hotel!)

School of Cuisine at La Rocadine, Roannais

A new concept from Jérôme Sadot at the restaurant La Rocadine. ‘Ecole de Cuisine’ – School of cooking.

Jérôme is passing on some of his talent and trade secrets, and inviting small groups of people to his restaurant to learn more about some of his signature dishes, and to learn a little more about fundamental food preparation for certain recipes. All in order to improve their understanding of ingredients and to help with their cooking at home. A great idea!

La Rocadine is always on the ‘move’ with new seasonal menus along with their traditionally very friendly and welcoming service. So not only can you enjoy tasting Jérôme’s sophisticated cooking, but now you can discover how it is done in his own kitchen!

Purefrancenow has promoted La Rocadine over the last 2 years on our website, and for more information about this restaurant in Le Coteau, Roanne, Rhône-Alpes, visit the following: Purefrancenow Roannais Directory

Purefrancenow visited La Rocadine at the end of November, and saw Jérôme at work with some new enthusiastic customers in his kitchen. He was demonstrating one of his speciality dishes with Rabbit.

He is dedicated to his craft, and is keen to share his recipes with everyone. You never know, one day he may write and publish a cook book!

With Jérôme’s extremely wide, successful experience of cooking throughout France and Switzerland, in many top establishments, There is no doubt that anything is possible!

Good luck, Jérôme, for the future – both your restaurant and cookery school!

Cirque de Moscou on Ice, Roanne, Roannais

The Moscow Circus on Ice comes to Roanne in the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes. In December the world famous ‘Cirque de Moscou sur Glace’ arrived in Roanne to welcome the beginnings of Chistmas in the region.

The show was exciting, fun, colourful, dramatic, glamorous, and very professional.

Cirque de Moscou on Ice was organised by the ‘Club Roannais de Patinage Artistique’ and staged at the Patinoire Municipale de Roanne – Parc Fontalon.

This new programme of the Cirque de Moscou on Ice is a variety show. The swift change of turns of various genres, breath-taking tricks, youth, professionalism and the emotion of unique artists create a magical spectacle!

The creative career of each artist began in its own way: there are professional figure skaters, graduates from the circus academy, Olympic champions, prominent artists of circus houses.

Cirque de Moscou’s current troupe consists of 30 artists, and the show is in two parts with 20 turns, and lasts for 2 hours.

Often on tour around Russia, the company has also expanded its performances into many other coutries around the world: Moldavia, Estonia, Latvia, Italy, Germany, Israel, Holland, South African Republic, United Arab Emirates, France, Poland, Belgium, China, Canada, and Japan.

Everywhere the Cirque de Moscou visits and performs their shows and artists are received enthusiastically by the public, and always achieve excellent reports in the local press.

” The joy and form of art displayed by the Cirque de Moscou on Ice is clear to audiences of all cities, and of all ages. This dynamic show needs no words or translations.”

It is, simply, worth seeing!

You can find more information about the Cirque de Moscou by visiting their website  at:

Inauguration of Scarabée, new Event Centre, Roannais, Rhône-Alpes

Purefrancenow had the pleasure of being invited to the ‘Grand Opening’ and Inauguration of Scarabee on the 2nd December 2008, the region’s new premier events centre for Business, Exhibitions, and Concerts. 5 years of political and conceptual development and construction, and over 19 million euros of investment, Scarabee is a demonstrable symbol of the future economic, social, and political dynamism of the Roannais region.

This ‘showcase’ event centre will also service the nearby regions of the Auvergne and Bourgogne (Burgundy), and it will attract both local, regional, national, and international business and public interest for staging small and major events.

Roanne, and the Roannais’s relationship with Lyon and Saint Etienne will also be encouraged to develop even further for the benefit of this part of the Rhône-Alpes region.

During the inauguration ceremony there were very positive speeches by some of the main regional dignataries and partners of the Scarabee project, including the Mayor of Roanne, President of Roanne Agglomeration, President of the Roanne Chambre de Commerce, and President of the Conseil de la Loire.

GL Events, who will be fully responsible for administrating and promoting Scarabee in the future, and organising all event management activity, were presented with a symbolic key to the event centre to underline there new responsibilities to the region.

Scarabee has been exceptionally, and creatively designed by one of France’s most reputable, international architects – Alain Sarfati. Designed for multi-functional and flexible usage with highly adaptable spaces and high quality, modern technical services are fully available. Business Events in the Roannais

This opening evening was a resounding success, and was followed by a well-organised reception, with hors-d ‘œuvres, champagne and wine provided and served by Veronique and Olivier Boizet, owners of the wonderful Chateau de Champlong at Villerest, an exceptional restaurant in a beautiful grounds for private and business receptions in its own right (soon in 2009, to have high quality hotel accommodation available with 12 sumptuously designed rooms).

Plus a musical atmosphere and light entertainment created by a classical group.

There was a real ‘buzz’ in the air, and much hope for the future, and the forthcoming programme of events for 2009.

Charles Aznavour will be the first inaugural celebrity to perform. (Saturday 6 December, 2008), followed by a whole series of events – gastronomic, musical, artistic, and business.

In 2009, there is already a growing programme of events, exhibitions, and concerts being prepared, so the future success of this excellent addition to the Roannais landscape is heading in a very positive direction.

Purefrancenow will be continuing to report on developments and events, and our creative Event Management Team, along with all our associated resources, are available to assist businesses, clubs, associations, or private groups to benefit from the new Scarabee venue.

Art and Rugby Success in the Roannais!

It is extremely unusual for the two disparate activities of Art and Rugby to come together and create a unique opportunity to celebrate their almost diametrically opposed spirits of sensitive creativity and sporting aggression.

Of course, here in the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes, anything is possible! The internationally popular, ‘rough and tumble’ of Rugby may by some, perhaps, be seen as a form of ‘art in sport’.

Well, in Roanne, in the Roannais region of the Rhône-Alpes, this fascinating combination became a surprising reality during a special event in November this year.

Rugby in Roanne has quite a long and eventful history, and the locals support their team with demonstrable commitment.

France is certainly a country committed to the game.

Children, too, are encouraged to take part at an early age, and there are many local, communal ‘Ecoles de Rugby’ (Rugby Schools) which are self-funding, and run by dedicated local volunteers who offer their rugby experience, and much time to help thousands of children all over France have fun playing this popular national game.

Always in need of additional funds to support this activity, Roanne Rugby Association (ASR Rugby XV) had agreed to hold an Art Event. This was the ‘brain-child’ of our friend Fabrice Merceret, one of the club’s volunteer trainers and promotion organisers.

The idea was for both professional and amateur artists, and children, too, to paint a rugby ball (In fact, anyone could contribute! If they had the inclination, that is!)

The balls would be placed on show as exhibits to create local interest, and to be auctioned off during a two-day exhibition in the centre of Roanne. All in order to stimulate additional funds for the club.

Brian Franklin from Purefrancenow also decided to contribute, along with his 8 year old son Ellis, and John Clough, a friend from England.

Ellis is a fully-fledged member of the club in Roanne, and trains regularly with all the ‘boys’ and has already played in several regional rugby tournaments. One even held in Lyon!

Ellis really enjoys the camaraderie, and it is good exercise and fun, of course. So the whole event was ‘close to home’ and relevant, as well as extremely interesting, and a chance to see some of the local Roannais, professional artists getting involved.

On a personal note, Brian’s wife, Lucy, takes the story from here, and comments: ” Brian had originally hoped that by getting our son, Ellis to help out with painting a rugby ball he would be able to take a bit of pressure off himself – no such luck!

Having created a design along with our enthusiastic 8 year-old, Fabrice arrived with yet another rugby ball, so that Brian would be able to do one all on his own.

So, along with another friend in England, John Clough, who had sent a decorated ball over to France specially for the event, Brian eventually submitted 3 artworks, or should I say, ” works of art” to be exhibited at the ‘Espace Congrés de Roanne’.

The exhibition and reception took place on a Friday evening, and we all went along to take a ‘look’ before the auction commenced on the Saturday.

It was brilliant!

We were all amazed at all the different, and extraordinary ideas

that the various artists (professional and amateur) had created

around the simple, basic rugby ball.

Some were either painted, or appliqué, and some had, incredibly, been cut apart and recreated to form amazing sculptural and constructed items – from space ships to a working ‘face’ lamp, from musical instruments to ‘planets’.

The ideas seemed endless, and it was with great satisfaction that we saw that many people had come to take a look, and marvel at the patience and originality of the various creations. Several from locally and regionally famous artists.

There were over 60 rugby balls on display (although some of them seemed to have fantastically metamorphosed into things beyond the recognition of the original rugby ball itself!).

When the actual auction took place the exhibition and reception room was abuzz with over 200 people present. Everybody was waiting in excited anticipation for the auction to commence. Our son, Ellis, was enthralled, chomping at the bit to make a bid.

He was determined to come home with a ball. It was all that we could to contain him, and stopping him from putting his hands as the bids progressed. Prices for some of the rugby balls were going for well above 100 euros. One, in fact, reaching a final bid of 460 euros! So you can understand our wish to tie Ellis’s hands behind his back!

We were fascinated to see the price that different balls were sold for. It wasn’t always obvious which ones people would pay the most for. In fact, some of my favourites went for a mere 30-40 euros (even those of some of the more well-known, and capable local artists). It all added up, however, and continued to build up the ‘pot’ for the rugby club.

I am very proud to say that Brian’s painted ball raised 55 euros, Ellis’s 30 euros, and John’s a further 30 euros. The British Artists did our country’s creative reputation proud!!

It was all a total success, and a very enjoyable event. Fabrice was relieved and congratulated, of course, for all his efforts. We have since heard that the rugby ball auction raised well over 4000 euros. Excellent!

I think even I might put my artistic talents to the test next time!”