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Our Man from Dubai and Frederick Diart.

Dubai meets Diart!

Dale Thompson, good friend, and event management impresario in Dubai visited Frederick Diart’s remarkable studio during October.

Amazed by the scale, originality, creativity, and commitment which Diart demonstrates in his extraordinary art, Dale Thompson has now returned to Dubai on a mission in association with The Pure Art Gallery, to assess the potential for exhibition and art gallery opportunities in this vibrant metropolis in the Arabian desert.

The marvellous, and often bizarre, art creations of Frederick Diart. it is hoped will stimulate a positive reaction in Dubai’s international art world.

Frédéric Diart was born in 1966, and now has his home and studio near the Roannais in the Rhône-Alpes region.

He is a painter of extraordinary imagination, originality, and creativity.In his early years, between 1989 and 1991 he developed groups of paintings on paper, cardboard, sheets of lead or aluminium, and using industrial paints and watercolours. He also featured letters as motifs within the organized space of his canvasses.

Throughout the 1990’s he developed his style and approach, and experimented using small and medium formats and adopted vertical imaging rather than that of landscape.

He progressed after abandoning paints and industrial resins, using polyvinyl acetate, including increased application of solvents and paint strippers.

Systematic use of stencils and different alphabet sizes, and larger 2 metre- square productionsFrom the end of the 1990’s and into 2000 and the new millennium, he continues to create, using mixed pigments and abrasives. The effect is imagery of illegibility and liquidity.

He also experiments with fine unprepared fabrics and the reactions to different tensions. Incorporating organic glues (bone, sinew, skin), and for certain canvasses, cattle blood. Decay and mildew within the canvasses results in a natural organic retraction effect.

From 2003 to 2006 he also combines crumpled, undone, shapeless canvasses, which wind around a partial deposit of material. Still using solvents, colour is applied to the back of the canvas with the solvent penetrating the applied layers of the material on the canvas, bringing colour back to the surface.Frédérick Diart continues to be extremely prolific in the production of amazing artworks on a grand scale.

If you want to know more, or want to arrange a viewing of his works at first hand, let us know through our special Art section:

The Pure Art Gallery

Or e-mail Brian Franklin direct at:


Le Cuvage Story: A Dream Home in the Roannais by Brian Franklin

The last chapter about ‘Le Cuvage’, but certainly not the end of the story!

At last! The work is over, the spending has slowed down, and the results of all our efforts can be clearly seen and appreciated.

In some respects, there is an element of anti-climax about it all.

As we neared the final stages of completing the ‘Cuvage’ renovation we, of course, could see all the elements of both interior and exterior renovation and conversion becoming a reality, and all our design and previous project control decisions working together as a whole.

Le Cuvage had eventually become a sum greater than its parts.

It was wonderful to walk up to the building and enter its doors to reveal the magnificent interior, and be pretty pleased with all our efforts.

It was a delight to spend our first holiday break within its four walls – to test out the showers for the first time, to christen the kitchen, to wake up with the newness all around us, and the sound of the Roannais countryside surrounding us.

Our first family occupation took place at Easter 2006, after myself and my good friend, Dale, had moved all furniture and houshold items into Le Cuvage during a very wintry and snowy February, a month or so before.

We had, typically, done a ‘white van’ trip from England, and had also ‘stripped’ our previous holiday home (‘The Stables’) located in the  original chateau grounds, and only a minutes walk away from our new residence.

We had prepared our interior furnishings pretty well, and would of course add to these over time. To be fair, we needed to ‘live’ in the place for a while to get a good ‘feel’ of how everything worked, and how the layout suited us.

Generally, it was all that we we wanted from our French ‘Dream House’, and more!

Yes, of course, there are always improvements and changes that one realises could be made – a wall here, access here, electric points repositioned, additional or less lighting, extra storage, But generally, we were very happy with the two dwellings we had created out of this huge wine-making barn.

Having previously owned a holiday home in the same enclave for 12 years, we were, of course, very familiar with our surroundings, and the region.

Whenever we arrived for a holiday  we immediately felt ‘at home’. So, although the newness of ‘Le Cuvage’ was a little strange, and we had to get to grips with a new home living experience, we did not have to contend with the need to discover  a new locality, and relate to new people, and find new friends. All this was already there!

There was no doubt that the attention to detail we had maintained, and the quality of internal and external installation and fixturing had all paid off.

We, of course, still had plenty to occupy us, and although internally it was really a matter of moving and positioning furniture to maximum effect, outside was a totally different matter.

I was keen to get into the garden, and commence the ‘tidying up’ work prior to the planting of trees and shrubbery.

Our new pool, too, and along with its surrounding area, required more attention to bring it to a decent holiday standard.

So, all-in-all, we still had more work cut out, but we were determined to enjoy it, and breathe in all that fresh French air!

Le Cuvage is definitely not a ‘holiday home’ in the normal sense of the term, and was never really intended to be such. It was designed for purpose – a ‘principal’ home ready for our eventual, and intended permanent commitment to living in France.

I hope that this ‘renovation diary’ has been of of interest to the many readers who are looking to for a property in France, whether for a holiday home or permanent residence.

Each person’s project, of course, is individual to themselves, but  seeing the results and hearing of the experience of others helps to see what can be achieved, and the potential benefits that the French way of life has to offer.

I also hope that the stage-by-stage images of our project, which have been featured in each issue during the last 7 months, have  demonstrated to varying extent what is possible with a renovation project like this.

In our view, France is a brilliant place to buy and develop a property, and there are still many opportunities and bargains to be had in many regions.

The French way of life is a great experience for couples, families, and, particularly children learning a new language, and discovering another culture.

‘Le Cuvage’ has been an incredible experience for us, and it is still continuing in so many different ways.

We look forward to many years of appreciating all it has to offer, both as a home, and as a place that gives us access to a beautiful part of France.

Take a look at the full series of articles featured during the last few months at

The latest article can be seen at: Looking back and lessons learnt, of “Le Cuvage Project”

Brian and Lucy’s Roannais website:

TOP TIPS – When buying and renovating in France

1. Spend plenty of time planning your electrics. You will rarelyl ever get it perfect (certainly before you start living and using your new place!). This includes positioning of all electrical sockets, radiators, and particularly lighting. Economy and coverage of light  is a delicate balance.

2. Plan all your rooms well, and try to avoid large areas of wasted, unuseable space. Make sure you maximise on bedrooms (you always need them when friends stay!).

3. Ensure your kitchen is a good size (the most important room in the house!). A good ‘Buanderie’ (storage/utility area) and you have plenty of other storage around the house (you’ll always need it!).

4. Externally, make sure you position your terrasse/patio areas in the best place for the sun, and access from the house. Ideally, if possible, ensure there is a covered area to get away from the heat of the day, and include a convenient barbeque space for all that outside entertaining!

5. If you are having a swimming pool, try and make sure it is as private and  as wind-protected as possible. Follow the French legal and security requirements for private and rental use.

Food Glorious Food at the Roanne Table Ouverte – October 2011

‘Roanne Table Ouverte’ – 9th Festival of Gastronomy in the Roannais region, during October 2011. (Literally ‘open table’ – a welcome to all the public to enjoy some of the best restaurants in the region)

The gastronomic jewel of Roanne and the Roannais!

It is an opportunity and a pleasure for all the restaurants, producers, and suppliers to open their doors to the public.

To demonstrate their gastronomic talents and artistic presentation.

This highly successful festival harmonises the art of good food with the fun of theatre, music, and entertainment.  These festivities carry on throughout the month of October in the varied and various establishments in the Roannais.

A celebration of good food, wine, successful business partnerships, conviviality and friendship.

It brings the whole community together with one purpose, at least for one whole month!

If you happen to be in the Roannais region during this October, just try one or two of the local restaurants that are supporting this event, and have fun while you enjoy excellent regional cuisine!

Visit or telephone for more information on 0033 (0) 477 23 20 57

The quality of gastronomy in the Roannais region is renowned for its excellence – experience it for yourselves this October, or visit the region for your holiday, or for your next business or club event.

Visit for more information on all aspects of Roanne, the Roannais, in the Rhône-Alpes.