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Roannais Property Spotlight by Brian Franklin

There is a small, little-known corner of the north western end of the huge Rhône-Alpes region in France which is waiting, somewhat patiently, for discovery and greater attention.

This area is called Le Roannais in the département of the Loire.

Yes, of course, many tourists and business travellers from the UK and other parts of Europe visit, or drive through the region down the famous route N7 every year.

This is exactly what they often do – drive straight through or around it without stopping and taking a ‘breath’ but they are missing a lot.

It is not, however, an isolated part of France, like many areas can be in this huge country.

The Roannais is a delightful region with beautiful countryside, forests, lakes, mountains, with the river la Loire meandering through it.

At the central hub of several more well-known regions, the Roannais is within easy access of some famous cities, towns, and villages.

Roanne is the main township with, for example, France’s second city of Lyon just over an hour’s drive or train journey away.

Vichy, with its famous spring waters, is also nearby, and Saint Etienne on the edge of the stunning, volcanic region of the Puy-de-Dôme.

Located on the banks of the river la Loire, with the lower slopes of Auvergne, Beaujolais and Bourgogne (Burgundy) forming the backdrop, the Roannais region offers French lifestyle at its very best.

It is renowned for its food, which includes the famous three-star restaurant, Maison Troisgros (a fantastic gastronomic experience if you’ve got the chance. And the money, of course).

There are also many other local, family-run restaurants which are simply sublime, and for quality, service and surroundings certainly do not break the bank.

Vineyards decorate the surrounding hillsides, with Côte Roannaise wine, made from Gamay grapes, being the local tipple. Also, the popular vineyards and succulent wines of the Beaujolais are just 45 minutes away.

There is much to see and do, from a large number of heritage sites, medieval villages, including some buildings dating from the 13th century and some Roman churches from the 10th century.

Medieval castles and renaissance country houses abound, Château de la Roche being, probably, the most romantic.

Set on a rocky outcrop in the middle of the Loire, this classic fairytale castle is stunning. Every year in August there is an incredible son et lumiere show including dramatic firework displays celebrating its medieval history.

Roanne is surrounded by the uplands known as the Monts de la Madeleine, Monts du Beaujolais and Monts du Lyonnais.

They provide breathtaking panoramic views of the Roanne Valley, and are easily accessible for hill-walking, mountain-biking, and, of course, skiing and snow-boarding during the winter months.

Due to its location near the Loire, the Roannais area is also popular for river cruising through the Loire gorges. Water sports, such as sailing, canoeing and rowing are also available.

There is plenty to do for families and children all year round. It is certainly a great place for either a holiday home, or more permanent residency.

This is a region which is developing and is becoming much more easily accessible due to new links to France’s ever-growing auto-route network.

Lyon, in particular, continues to expand, and the Roannais is becoming easier to commute between.

Most villages and townships within 25 kilometres of Lyon have seen massive increases in property prices during the last 10 years.

The Roannais is less than 70 kilometres away, and is such a prize of a place for country living but with all amenities such as shops, entertainment, schools and colleges for people wanting to live ‘the life’ whilst working and earning in the city.

There is even the possibility of a direct TGV link into Roanne in the near future. Even now, access to the TGV to Paris and Marseille, for example, is simple with easy connections to Lyon.

The ski resorts of the Alps are around three hour’s drive away, and the popular southern regions and French Riviera are within easy reach.

There are several convenient airports such as Lyon (St.Exupery), Saint Etienne, Grenoble, Chambery and Geneva.

Property opportunities abound, and with all the rapid, ongoing regional development it seems, therefore, to be a particularly good time to invest.

Such opportunities include remarkable, ancient châteaux, farmhouses, barns, and medieval village town houses either in the mountains, hillsides, or amongst the forests and rich farmland.

Prices are good. There are absolute bargains and renovation opportunities to be had.

You can pick up a large château for less than €550,000, a sizeable farmhouse for less than €150,000, or small barn or cottage, ripe for renovation, for less than €50,000.

Prices, of course, like most regions throughout France, vary a lot, and the willingness of the Roannais locals to negotiate is well known.

In the last 10 years property prices have increased throughout the Roannais region, and in the next five years, or so, property prices, despite the current economic malaise, are certainly expected to move upward further. An investment ahead of the game is well worth consideration.

It is, of course, impossible to depict the Roannais in its full glory, and define the myriad of opportunities available in this short article. You must visit, and see for yourself. It’s the only way.

If you want to know more about property opportunities in the Roannais and our ‘Property Finding Services’ please contact Brian Franklin direct at: or visit our dedicated website:

Also visit for more information about all things French, and a unique property renovation project in the Roannais at: Discovering the Roannais in the Rhône-Alpes – follow a series of editorials about a ‘Grand Design’ project by Brian and Lucy Franklin.

Purefrancenow Property Services

Purefrancenow Success with Wine Tasting Event in Lyon.

Purefrancenow’s wine-tasting event in Lyon this November was a resounding success. The renowned,  5 star,  Cour des Loges hotel in Lyon’s ‘Old Town’ area was host to the event, and John Euvrard, ex Paul Bocuse, and one of France’s top sommeliers, was invited to choose and present all the wines during the evening. John Euvrard and his partner, Arnaud Thevenet, also ex Paul Bocuse, were perfect professionals, and presented their wines with panache and enthusiasm. Well done to both of them!!

Purefrancenow was asked to organise this wine-tasting event by Meeting Protocol Worldwide for one of their international clients during a major exhibition at the Lyon Congress Centre.

The wines chosen by our award winning sommelier were also specially selected for each course of the evening dinner at the Cour des Loges.

Beautiful surroundings, elegant atmosphere, superb food, top quality wines, and good company – an absolute recipe for success for any company wanting to treat and impress their clients at any time of the year.

Visit our recent pre-editorial on this event at:  Wine Tasting Event by Purefrancenow in Lyon

Purefrancenow specialises in the organisation and arrangement of tailor-made wine and gastronomic events in Lyon and the surrounding region, including the Roannais and the Beaujolais. We will organise unique events for both private and business occasions.

Provide the brief and Purefrancenow will provide a successful solution!

We will also arrange all accommodation and transportation according to your detailed requirements, and we are here to help with creative suggestions, including themes for any event. All fully detailed and very competitively costed in a ‘Purefrancenow Proposal’ document for your assessment and agreement.

Purefrancenow has an office base in the Rhône-Alpes region, near Lyon, so we are on the spot to service any event requirement. We have both English and French-speaking personnel on the ground to assist in all arrangements and project control throughout.

We also have reliable, ‘tried and tested’ event service companies within our ‘service’ portfolio who we use for different aspects of any event, such as transportation (eg coaches and limousines, even planes and helicopters!), variety of entertainment options, design and decoration, accommodation, venues, specialist catering and menu preparation, including, of course, the best French wine sommeliers/oenologists, and more!

Wine-tasting Event by Purefrancenow in Lyon

Sélection John Euvrard

If you wish to discuss an event idea with us, and would like us to provide an initial proposal, please contact us direct:


“If the Black” Exhibition by Frédéric Diart in the Roannais

A special 6-day exhibition of some of Frédéric Diart’s amazing paintings and creative installations is scheduled for 9th-15th December, 2011 at Chateau du Bourg, Perreux, Roannais. This unique show is entitled ‘Das Schwarz Kommt’ (If the Black).

It is sure to be an intriguing experience! Purefrancenow will definitely be their to cover the proceedings.

Frédéric Diart – Painter Extraordinaire!

Our Man from Dubai and Frédéric Diart

The Pure Art Gallery


Colline du Colombier from Maison Troisgros by Brian Franklin

We have written several times about Colline du Colombier, and for good reason. This marvellous rural ‘auberge-style’ restaurant has been created by Maison Troisgros almost as an antithesis to their more formal and famous 3-star restaurant in Roanne.

Colline du Colombier never ceases to enthrall. Situated in a countryside idyll in the nearby region of Southern Burgundy (Sud Bourgogne), and close to the beautiful village of Iguerande.

This opportunity for another visit was my wife’s birthday, so we went with great anticipation, and were most definitely not disappointed!

My wife, Lucy, had the ‘Menu en Novembre’

Pisé de saumon et de légumes frais

Truite à peine fumée, à l’oseille

Sablé à la banane et au chocolat

I had ‘Le Menu “Rendezvous” ‘

Salade Carmélite

Le lièvre à la royale

Gratin d’oranges ” Madame France”

Our son, Ellis, had ‘Le Menu pour les enfants’ which consisted of a Charolais beef steak with potatoes, followed by ‘Dariole au Chocolat’ with vanilla ice cream – he loved it!!

Lucy and I started with a white wine kir (flavoured mûre), followed by an exceptional red wine, selected by La Maison Troisgros – Saint Joseph 2007 by Paul Jaboulet.

With the sun shining, amazing surroundings, impeccable food, and efficient, infor,al service, it was a very good birthday celebration !

We’ll be going again, when another good excuse in the calendar occurs !

Take a look at our previous editorials about this delightful restaurant at:

More gastronomic delicacies with the family Troisgros

Troisgros – Their new restaurant, near Roanne, Rhône-Alpes

Lunch at La Colline du Colombier, Iguerande by Brian Franklin


Wine-tasting event by Purefrancenow in Lyon.

Purefrancenow is organising another wine-tasting event in Lyon this November. A number of business delegates from the Lyon Congres will be enjoying a special event at the well-reputed, 5-star  Cour des Loges hotel in the heart of Lyon’s ‘Old Town’.

Cour des Loges, Lyon

Purefrancenow has recruited one of the best sommeliers in France to select all the wines and perform the wine-tasting ‘degustation’ and presentation during the evening.

John Euvrard was elected Sommelier of the Year in 2007, and Meilleur Ouvrier de France, after 15 years as head Sommelier for Paul Bocuse;

John Euvrard has been a Sommelier since 1990.

He started his training at the Lycée Professionnel Jacques de Romas in Nérac, and finished at the Relais de la Poste in Magascq on the west coast of France.

Then he joined Paul Bocuse and his team in Collonges au Mont D’Or as a sommelier in 1993, and went on to become his head Sommelier in 1998.

In 2007, after a year long competition, John receives the title of Meilleur Ouvrier de France in the categorie of Sommelier, from the President of the Republic, Mr. Nicolas Sarkosy. During this year, John is also elected Sommelier of the Year by the magazine Le Chef.

In 2008, John launches his own wine tasting company, and organises wine tasting, training sessions and informative events.

In 2010, John launches his brand new enterprise in Lyon : John Euvrard Selection , a meeting place for individuals and professionals, to taste, select and purchase a great variety of different wines.

John’s choice selection of wines for our November Wine-Tasting Event are:









John Euvrard- Sommelier Extraordinaire!
