Running Edge Designs New Pure France Now Website
Running Edge has completed a redesign and construction of the Pure France Now website which recently went ‘live’ in November 2013.
The new Pure France Now Site is full of new information, editorials, and also features a brand new Pure France Now Online shop presenting an original selection of gift ideas and products, from jewellery and ceramics, to art and chocolate.
Pure France Now is dedicated to promoting the Roannais and Rhône-Alpes in France for great food and gift products, gourmet weekends, business event organisation, weddings, special celebrations, including a superb selection of excellent value properties for sale, and much more.
They source and sell beautiful quality, handcrafted products and gifts from artisans, speciality family businesses, and caring companies from France.
So, take a look at the Pure France Now Shop – inspiration for that perfect gift and special treat.

Running Edge
Creating Competitive Advantage
Our professional website design services are geared entirely to offering a high quality, cost-effective solution for all our clients.
If you are looking for an effective, low-cost website solution, but still want a good quality result produced by trustworthy experts in website design, then look no further.
We will help and give good, honest, sensible advice. We won’t create something that is not right for your business. We will do it quickly, and cost effectively in line with your business objectives and budget requirements.
Go to our dedicated website for full details of our services and previous projects.
Behind the Brand Design of ‘Emmane’.
Behind the brand, ‘Emmane’ lies Emmanuelle Bernat , from the Aveyron. A highly creative and original young designer who has recently moved into the Loire region to create and experiment with new concepts in metal and porcelain. She studied applied arts in Aveyron (Rodez ) and in Paris.

Her furniture collection “Making Red Cabbage ” allowed her to participate at ‘Maison et Objet’ in 2010, as winner of the competition Young creators of Atelier d’Art de France . Followed by numerous appearances in various collective exhibitions in France , Egypt and Belgium. In June 2011, nine months after the end of her studies she created her own studio / shop in a small village in the Loire , St Jean St Maurice in the Cote Roannaise.

Emmane says: “I will remember my childhood landscapes where tillage was closely linked to that of steel . I was born in a region where the iron gave color to the earth, a powerful red that resurfaces each plowing. I grew up watching the farm work , where steel tools and earth are closely linked to give birth to crops. So I recreated this union in my room , through a combination of porcelain and steel. ”
” Between sculpture and objects , my creations are elements that fit into our interiors featuring in wall lights, screens , lighting, furniture, etc … My inspiration comes often from little simple daily details, that the we often forget to look closely: a red cabbage sliced become elements of modular steel furniture , nuts become decorative and poetic elements , … ”

Emmane also bends, cuts and welds metal in combination with porcelain to create imaginative decorative patterns , or humorous, whimsical narrative. Often featured in related objects for interior decoration such as lights or coffee tables.
Emmane creates and invents every day in a work of love, inspiration and creative dedication that never ends!
Pure France Now Shop
A Happy Successful New Year To You All !!

And to all of our good French friends and business partners – Bonne Année et Meilleurs Vœux !