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Early October at ‘Les Halles Diderot’ in Roanne was filled with the umistakable aromas of good cuisine, and the exceptional flavours of high quality food and wine from the best of the Roannaise. The annual event of ‘Table Ouverte’ (Open Table), held throughout the month of October, was well and truly inaugurated on Monday 5th […]
A short drive from the Roannais enroute to Saint Etienne in the Forez region of the Rhône-Alpes there is a stunning château. Of course, France is full of beautiful château’s of different architectural styles and merits, both large and small. Château Bouthéon is a particularly fine example of well-preserved history, beautifully landscaped gardens, and collection […]
An exciting day and evening was had by all at chateau de la Clayette at the end of July. Sorcery, Swords and magic in a fantastic medieval setting. This is a classic French chateau, absolutely perfect for staging a medieval event with son et lumiere. A medieval village had been set up in the grounds […]
The Moscow Circus on Ice comes to Roanne in the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes. In December the world famous ‘Cirque de Moscou sur Glace’ arrived in Roanne to welcome the beginnings of Chistmas in the region. The show was exciting, fun, colourful, dramatic, glamorous, and very professional. Cirque de Moscou on Ice was organised by the ‘Club […]
It is extremely unusual for the two disparate activities of Art and Rugby to come together and create a unique opportunity to celebrate their almost diametrically opposed spirits of sensitive creativity and sporting aggression. Of course, here in the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes, anything is possible! The internationally popular, ‘rough and tumble’ of Rugby may by some, […]
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité!!! Well, I thought I would just add a note to commemorate the recent celebrations in Roanne on the famous 14th July. For the first time I watched the magnificent firework display at close range. All organised for the event on the the Pont du Coteau in Roanne, over the Loire river, near […]
Something’s just don’t get much better than this! Watching Manchester United win the 2008 European Cup in one of the most beautiful locations in France, along with good friends to enjoy the brilliance of the game whilst eating wholesome French food in the great atmosphere of a ‘mock-up’ Irish pub in Vieux Annecy, was fantastic! […]
Another wondrous wander into the idyllic land of the 'hunter'. This time a visit with the family on the invitation of Michel, 'Le Chasseur' (The Hunter) for a fun evening fishing, followed by a 'backwoodsman's' barbeque. A first visit for my wife, Lucy, and son OJ. Ellis, our 6 year old son, was with us, […]
The wild west meets the Beaujolais at the edge of Le Roannais ! It was sunny, hot, and ideal for a stage coach ride to the 'Rodeo'. Well, a short 30 minute car journey to a fantastic wooded park with huge lake (called Lac des Sapins), and plenty to do for family and kids alike. […]
Just couldn't resist another adventure on the French 'Amazon' ! Once more unto the breach, my love!! Yes, a little different from the last time we ventured onto the waters of La Loire, because my wife, Lucy, had been persuaded (rather reluctantly, I might add) to join us on our voyage into the unknown! […]
Following the themes of our last couple of articles about Roanne and La Loire, last week we had some fantastic fun canoeing down La Loire. This was a 'first' for me and my 6 year old son, Ellis, my 18 year old stepson, OJ, and nine year old daughter of my friend Fabrice, Marie. None […]