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Princesse Ficelle has opened a new jewellery boutique in Lyon during 2015. Situated on the quai Saint -Antoine, a popoular shopping spot for the Lyonnaise and the many tourists which visit he city every year. Artisan designer, owner, and manufacturer, Benjamin Perche, is expending his market potential here. And for good reason! Pure France Now […]
Chameleon is a new branded collection of jewellery designs and art images which is themed around animals, nature, love and friend messages in a whimsical way. High quality, stylish, and fun. Great gift ideas at exceedingly good prices. Perfect for that personal touch! Framed Gift Prints with personal love and friendship message. Pure France Now […]
The new Pure France Now website has gone ‘live’ this November. Pure France Now is dedicated to promoting the Roannais and Rhône-Alpes in France for great food and gift products, gourmet weekends, business event organisation, weddings, special celebrations, including a superb selection of excellent value properties for sale, and much more. We source and sell beautiful […]
Purefrancenow have agreed with Roanne jewellery-maker, Princesse Ficelle to promote their complete range of silver and gold jewellery to the UK. We have the pleasure of presenting a remarkable collection of highly creative and original jewellery designs from the award-winning Princesse Ficelle, France. Double-click on the link below for a sample selection, description, and prices. […]