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In May and June 2015, Lyon will welcome the 17th World Convention of Rose Societies.
A first for France: following Japan (2006), Canada (2009) and South Africa (2012), the World Federation of Rose Societies has chosen Lyon, France, to host the Federation’s 17th meeting.
From May 27 to June 1, hundreds of convention participants from forty countries will be on hand to participate in conferences, and workshops.
For nearly two hundred years, Lyon and the surrounding area have had a major influence on the world of roses.
From the creation of the first hybrid tea rose and the first yellow hybrid tea rose, family dynasties of rose growers have ensured the region’s worldwide reputation. For five generations, the Ducher, Guillot, Laperrière and Meilland families, who are still active at the side of other recognized rose-growers, have continued to maintain this reputation: