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A gastronomic adventure at L’Aventure in the Roannais. By Brian Franklin

Once more unto the breach, my friends…! Okay, so I would rather eat than fight, that’s reasonable enough!

And who wouldn’t at another surprising (but rather belated) restaurant discovery in the Roannais.

Another outing for our club reunion, another excuse to taste some exquisite food at a rather stylish, small restaurant tucked away on the edge of our local township of Roanne.

A convivial evening of good wine, excellent food, and impeccable service. No, it does not get much better than that here in Roannais land!

L’Aventure is a father and son restaurant on the rue Pierre Depierre, Roanne. Small, cosy, beautifully decorated, and with a charming atmosphere à la Française.

This time there was eleven of us around a big square table, specially prepared for us. A delightful welcome on arrival – I like that!

The menu was exceptional with some perfect options, so it was difficult to choose. Still, while we waited for a few more of our colleagues to turn up we ordered some champagne – well, why not!? Nothing too James Bond, just Laurent Perrier – a pleasant aperitif to whet the appetite. I did wonder why they had ordered it for all of us on this occasion, and asked whether they were celebrating Monsieur Hollande’s first catastrophic year as French President – they did not seem too amused!! I got a laugh all the same.

Menu L’Adventure 16 Mai 2013

Si ce soir  32€

Velouté de lentilles vertas au jaune d’oeuf cru, copeaux de foie gras et grillons de volaille


Melba de rascasse l’avocat écrasé et tomates confites, coulis  l’ourisin


Blanquette de saumon à l’oseille, ravioles du Dauphiné pochées


Filet de terra grillé sur peau, eau de mer aux herbes, petits légumes


Carpaccio de boeuf tranché au couteau, feulles de roquette et pleaurotes marinés


Le choix des fromages




Si t’es un inventurier 42€

Fricassée d’aperges vertes et pleurotes au foie gras de canard fondant, jus serré  la réglisse


Kaliko de legumes crus, queues de gambas rôties carpaccio de  St Jacques


Cuisses de grenouilles au berre citron et serpolet


Dos cabillaud snacké de sésame au berre d’agrumes anisé


Magret de canard à la crème de mûres sauvages, petits légumes


Le choix des fromages


Assiette de desserts


I, of course, went for the ‘Si t’es un inventurier’ menu with Fricassé d’asperges… to start, followed by Magret de canard à la crème..

Both beautifully made, presented, and tasted heavenly!!

I could only manage Le choix des fromages afterwards, so missed out on the gorgeous Assiette de desserts (next time, eh!)

We ordered a superb dry white wine with our starters – Saint Joseph, Côte du Rhône 2011, followed by a rich, strong red wine with our main course –

Mon Père, Ventoux (Rousillon) 2011.

A pretty good do, all in all!

L’Aventure restaurant,  24 rue Pierre Depierre – 42300Roanne Tel: 04 77 68 01 15