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This December Lyon’s Féte des Lumiéres is once again a stunning display of creativity, originality and history. Developed over the years from the 19th century when on one particular night people commemorated the Virgin Mary by lighting candles in their windows. The modern four-day event sees millions throng the streets to see marvellously illuminated buildings […]
October saw Brasserie Clemenceau in Roanne celebrate their 3 year anniversary with wine and song, and ten-pin bowling! An exceptional evening of fun, excellent food, good friends, and entertainment. All laid on free and gratis by the owners Francis Kuchenbuch and Jean-Louis Clot. Over 400 guests were invited for this great evening of celebration – […]
Early October at ‘Les Halles Diderot’ in Roanne was filled with the umistakable aromas of good cuisine, and the exceptional flavours of high quality food and wine from the best of the Roannaise. The annual event of ‘Table Ouverte’ (Open Table), held throughout the month of October, was well and truly inaugurated on Monday 5th […]
Purefrancenow wishes everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year! We thank all our friends, business partners and associates who have enjoyed a very successful year with us in 2008. All your support and help throughout the year has been much appreciated, and we look forward to 2009 with hope and excitement for an […]
Lyon’s Festival of Light seems to announce the arrival of christmas time in the Rhône-Alpes with typical French flair and panache for the theatrical and demonstrable art of imagery. Since 1852 the residents of Lyon have celebrated the anniversary of the unveiling of a gold-leafed, bronze statue of the Virgin Mary on the Fourviere hillside […]
Purefrancenow are offering a superb special occasion and celebration reception and party service in the Roannais, Rhône-Alpes. This includes exclusive wedding receptions, anniversaries, special celebrations, business or club parties, gourmet week-ends, and inspirational luxury breaks throughout the region. All tailor-made to suit the occasion, the budget, and any special individual requirements. Purefrancenow can also combine […]